onsdag 13. april 2016

Super Healthy and Easy to Make Crispsbread

Have you ever felt in the need of something simple, but good at the same time, and because of this just eaten a snack such as a snickers bar instead of making or buying something healthier? I'm sure you have, because I definitely have.

Therefore I decided to share this quick and simple recipe on how to make healthy homemade crispbread. They come in handy all the time, especially when you just need something to snack on.

P.S Some of the ingredients have Norwegian names, so I’ll write in brackets what they are in English.

Ingredients (I used both metric and cups imperial)

4 dl or 1.7 cups sammalt grov rug (whole grain crude rye)
4 dl or 1.7 cups havregryn, lettkokt (oatmeal)
2 dl or 0.8 cups solsikkekjerner (sunflower seeds)
1 dl or 0.4 cups linfrø (flaxseed/linseed) 
1 dl or 0.4 cups sesamfrø (sesame seeds)
7 dl or 3 cups water
1 tsp. salt

1. Mix all the ingredients together.

2. Spread out the mixture on two different baking plates covered in baking paper. Use a baking spatula to spread, making it as thin as possible and clean up the edges. Then sprinkle some sea salt on top.

3. Set the oven (convection oven) at 180 degrees Celsius, and put the crispbread inside.

4. Take it out after 10 minutes, and cut them up in pieces while still soft using a pizza wheel.

5.  Put it back inside and now let it bake for 35 minutes.
6. Once they have baked let them cool for 20 min.

There you go! Homemade crispbread! As you can see it’s so easy to make and super healthy. Eat them bare, or with toppings such as cheese. Anything that you would put on your sandwich would most likely go well with crispbread too!

4 kommentarer:

  1. This looks so easy that I might even be able to make it! If I do, I will let you know. How would I store it, and how long does it last?

  2. You can just leave it on your kitchen counter, and it can last one week and even more. I hope you try it out :)

  3. it is pretty good but one thing is that u can have your info in both metric and imperial,cause it can save people time if they wanted to try to make it .They wouldnt waste time finding out how much stuff they need ,unless they are using that.
